Lift your body, lift your spirit.

At Muse Plastic Surgery, we understand that achieving your ideal body contour is about enhancing your physical appearance and boosting your self-confidence and overall well-being. Our expert surgeons specialize in body lift procedures, providing transformative results that empower you to embrace your newfound body with renewed self-assurance. Whether you've undergone significant weight loss or want to rejuvenate your figure, our cutting-edge surgical techniques and unwavering commitment to patient care make us the ideal choice for your body lift journey in Atlanta with our team.

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What is a body lift?

A body lift is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the body's contours by removing excess skin and fat, resulting in a more lifted, firm, and streamlined appearance. This procedure is particularly well-suited for individuals who have experienced significant and rapid weight loss, whether through bariatric surgery or traditional diet and exercise methods. Body lift surgery helps address loose and sagging skin issues, often resulting from substantial weight loss, and can improve body contours and self-confidence.

The benefits of a body lift

  • Enhanced body contours: Achieve a more sculpted and streamlined appearance as excess skin and fat are removed.
  • Improved mobility: Say goodbye to limitations caused by loose skin, enhancing your comfort and daily activities.
  • Enhanced wardrobe choices: Enjoy the freedom to choose clothing that fits well and complements your new body contours.
  • Emotional well-being: Boost your self-esteem and confidence by eliminating visual reminders of your pre-weight loss challenges.
  • Aesthetic enhancement: Unveil the full aesthetic potential of your weight loss efforts with a firmer, more lifted appearance.
  • Long-lasting results: Experience the benefits for years, provided your weight remains stable.

Is a body lift right for me?

A body lift in Atlanta at Muse Plastic Surgery is ideal for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, whether through bariatric surgery or other methods, resulting in excess skin and fat. It suits those challenged by sagging skin that doesn't respond to non-surgical approaches. Ideally, you are in good health and have realistic expectations about the procedure's outcomes. This surgery addresses loose, drooping skin that can affect body contours, limit mobility, lead to hygiene issues, and impact clothing choices. If you've worked hard to achieve weight loss and desire a firmer, more streamlined appearance, a body lift could be the transformative step to complete your journey. During a consultation with Muse Plastic Surgery, we can assess your needs and guide you in making an informed decision.

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The body lift procedure What to expect

We perform body lift procedures under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort. The extent of the surgery may vary depending on the specific areas requiring treatment. If a complete lower body lift is unnecessary, we will tailor the surgical plan to address only the areas that need enhancement.

A circumferential incision is made around the body for a complete lower body lift, granting access to the abdomen, hips, buttocks, waist, and thighs. The surgical process continues to remove excess fat and skin after making the incision to access the targeted regions. Once complete, we reposition and tighten the underlying tissues to create a more contoured and rejuvenated appearance. 

Body lift recovery

Following a body lift, you should anticipate downtime to ensure a smooth recovery. Initially, there will be swelling and bruising, which are common side effects of the surgery, but these will subside in time. Most patients must take some time off work and limit physical activities for several weeks to aid the healing process. During the recovery phase, adhering to the guidelines we provide regarding post-operative care is crucial, such as wearing compression garments and attending follow-up appointments. While you will notice immediate improvements to your physique, the final results will be apparent at 6-12 months. These results are long-lasting, provided you maintain a generally stable weight. At Muse Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to ensuring our patients receive optimal care throughout their recovery journey—please reach out with any questions or concerns that arise during your healing phase.

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Why choose Muse Plastic Surgery?

At Muse Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to personalized care, providing the Wright Touch to every patient we assist. Our expert care and tailored treatments allow you to embark on your body lift journey, confident that you will achieve your desired body contours. We are devoted to guiding you gracefully on this deeply personal journey to a renewed you. If you’re ready to lift your body and spirit, we invite you to contact Muse Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.

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