Craft a sleek leg contour.

At Muse Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia, we understand the impact of sagging or flabby thigh skin on your confidence and comfort. Our team brings a wealth of skills, artistry, and expertise to the forefront, offering top-notch thigh lift procedures. With a focus on delivering the Wright Touch™ via personalized treatment plans curated precisely for you, you can feel confident in achieving a stunning leg transformation at Muse.

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What is a thigh lift?

A thigh lift, referred to as thighplasty or thigh contouring, is a cosmetic procedure designed to address concerns about sagging, loose, or excess skin in the inner and outer thighs resulting from aging, significant weight loss, or genetics. This surgery aims to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the thighs by sculpting, lifting, and tightening the skin and underlying tissues. It offers a solution for individuals seeking a more toned and contoured thigh profile, which may be challenging to attain through diet and exercise alone.

The benefits of thigh lift

  • Sculpted leg contour: Thigh lift surgery can sculpt and refine the contours of your thighs, eliminating extra skin and fat to create a firmer, more attractive appearance.
  • Enhanced self-confidence: Achieving sleek, well-proportioned thighs can significantly boost your self-confidence and body image, making you feel more comfortable and at ease in various situations.
  • Improved mobility: Eliminating sagging skin and fat can enhance mobility, allowing you to move more comfortably and engage in physical activities easily.
  • Enriched wardrobe options: Thighplasty results often lead to better-fitting clothing and the ability to wear styles that may have been uncomfortable or unflattering before the surgery.
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Is a thigh lift right for me?

The ideal individual for a thigh lift in Atlanta with our team is typically someone who has experienced significant weight loss, whether through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise and is left with loose, sagging skin in the thigh area that diet and exercise alone cannot correct. Thigh lift surgery can help individuals achieve smoother and firmer leg contours. It is an excellent option for those looking to address excess thigh skin and achieve a more toned appearance. It is critical to schedule your consultation with Muse Plastic Surgery so we can provide personalized guidance on whether thighplasty is the right choice based on individual goals and needs.

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What are my Thigh Lift Options?

Bilateral thigh lift

With this technique, we tighten the skin along both sides of the leg using an incision that starts at the top, approximately where the bottom edge of bikini underwear would be.

Inner thigh lift

Focusing on enhancing the shape and contour of the inner thighs, we use an incision starting at the junction of the pubic area and the upper thigh.

Medial thigh lift

In this procedure, we tighten the skin and remove excess fat from the upper part of the inner thigh, achieved through an incision that begins in the groin area and extends to the back of the buttock crease.

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Thigh lift recovery

After your thigh lift procedure, you will need a period of recovery. The duration and specifics of your recovery vary depending on the scope of your procedure, but it typically involves a few common elements. We may place temporary drains to manage excess fluid, usually removed within 5-7 days. Expect to take 1-2 weeks off from your regular activities to rest and recover, with our recommendation to minimize leg movement during this time to support healing. Any bruising or swelling should subside within a month, and you can gradually resume your normal activities within 4-6 months. Regular follow-up appointments with Muse Plastic Surgery will help ensure the healing process is progressing as expected. Recovery can vary between patients, so it's critical to follow our post-operative care instructions closely, which we tailor specifically to you.

Why choose Muse Plastic Surgery?

Muse Plastic Surgery is committed to helping you achieve your desired sculpted, firm, youthful thighs. With our expertise, you can trust that your thighplasty procedure will be tailored to your needs. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality care from your initial consultation to the last follow-up visit. If you're ready to enhance your thigh contours and experience the life-changing benefits of a thigh lift, schedule your consultation with Muse Plastic Surgery now.

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Thigh Lift FAQ

How much does a thigh lift cost?

Can a thigh lift address cellulite or stretch marks?

Can a thigh lift be combined with other surgeries?

How much does a thigh lift cost?

The overall expenses for thigh lift surgery encompass various fees, covering the surgical facility, anesthesia, tests, and additional elements. Once the customized thigh lift surgical plan is developed during your consultation, a more accurate cost estimation can be provided.

Can a thigh lift address cellulite or stretch marks?

While a thigh lift primarily focuses on contouring and tightening, it can also contribute to the improvement of cellulite and reduce the visibility of stretch marks to some extent. However, complete removal may not be guaranteed, and individual results vary.

Can a thigh lift be combined with other surgeries?

Yes, a thigh lift can be combined with other surgeries such as liposuction or a tummy tuck for a comprehensive body contouring approach. Discussing your specific goals with your surgeon will help determine the most suitable combination of procedures for your desired results.

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