Rediscover your youthful neck contour.

At Muse Plastic Surgery, we understand the significance of a youthful and well-defined neck contour. As one of the most noticeable areas to show signs of aging, the neck can impact the overall appearance of the face. Our skilled plastic surgeons are dedicated to helping you achieve your ideal neck aesthetic. Their expertise and personalized approach ensure we tailor each neck lift procedure to the individual patient's needs and desires.

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Is a neck lift right for me?

A neck lift may be ideal for individuals who wish to address signs of aging and aesthetic concerns specific to the neck and jawline. The typical patient for a neck lift has visible signs of aging, such as sagging, loose neck skin, fatty deposits, prominent neck bands, or a "turkey wattle" appearance. They desire enhanced facial harmony to achieve a well-defined neck and jawline. General good health and a realistic understanding of the procedure are essential. The first step in determining if a neck lift in Atlanta would be appropriate for your cosmetic concerns is to schedule your consultation with Muse Plastic Surgery, in which we can conduct a thorough assessment.

What is a neck lift?

A neck lift, also known as neck contouring, is a surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of the neck area. As a common area where aging signs become evident, the neck can develop issues such as sagging skin, excess fat, or the development of neck bands. A neck lift addresses these concerns by removing excess skin, tightening neck muscles, and eliminating fat deposits, resulting in a firmer, smoother, and more youthful neck contour.

The benefits of a neck lift

Eliminating "Turkey Wattle"

Loose or hanging skin, often called "turkey wattle," can be effectively eliminated.

Enhanced facial harmony

A well-defined neck contributes to a balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

Improved self-confidence

Many individuals find that a rejuvenated neck enhances their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Tightened neck muscles

The procedure can address weakened neck muscles, improving the definition of your jawline.

Youthful neck contour

A neck lift can help restore a more youthful, sculpted appearance to your neck and jawline.

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The neck lift procedure What to expect

Neck lifts are typically performed outpatient and carried out under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The surgical techniques employed during the procedure may include liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue, Platysmaplasty to tighten the neck's musculature and minimize the appearance of unwanted band lines, and Cervicoplasty to address loose or hanging skin in the neck region.

Our expert team will decide which technique or combination of strategies best suits your desired outcome after evaluating your unique facial structure and aesthetic goals. Although exact time frames can vary depending on the specifics of your procedure and any complementary treatments, most neck lifts take a few hours to complete. 

Neck lift recovery

After your neck lift procedure, you can expect a period of downtime to allow for healing. Typically, patients can expect about one to two weeks of rest following a neck lift procedure.

During this time, you may experience swelling and bruising, and these side effects may take a few days to subside.

However, it's important to note that the duration of downtime may vary depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery. Swelling and bruising may be present, but these should gradually subside over the next few days. It's common to experience discomfort, which you can manage with prescribed pain medications. Our team will provide specific post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Most patients can return to light activities within a week, but it may take a bit longer for more strenuous activities. Attending follow-up appointments is essential to monitor your progress and address any concerns. As the weeks pass, you'll notice the initial results, with continued improvement in the neck region over the coming months, leaving you with a more youthful, sculpted appearance.

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Why choose Muse Plastic Surgery?

At Muse Plastic Surgery, we understand your desire for a more youthful and sculpted neck contour, and we're here to help you achieve your goal. Our experienced surgeons specialize in helping patients like you attain their ideal neck appearance while providing the highest quality of care. With cutting-edge techniques and a commitment to preserving your natural beauty, our team is dedicated to delivering safe and effective neck lift procedures. We believe in informed decision-making and take the time to discuss your options and procedure details, ensuring your utmost comfort throughout the process. If you're ready to turn back the clock on your neck, please schedule your consultation with us today.

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