Timeless Beauty: The Luxurious Elegance of BOTOX

BOTOX provides skin-rejuvenating results for patients with the desire to correct the early signs of aging, as well as for patients with deeper wrinkles and more advanced signs of aging. With a simple, 20-minute BOTOX treatment, patients can safely minimize the appearance of wrinkles by 80%, and can resume their busy schedules with minimal interruption.

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BOTOX Benefits

BOTOX injections are formulated to target dynamic facial wrinkles, which form as a result of age, genetics, smoking, sun damage, and the repetitive contraction of the facial muscles. BOTOX injections address the issue of dynamic wrinkle formation by obstructing the nerve impulses within the targeted muscle, thereby preventing the contraction of the adjacent facial muscles and yielding smoother, revitalized skin.

What Can BOTOX Treat?

While wrinkle-reduction is highlighted as its primary benefit, BOTOX injections serve a multitude of cosmetic purposes, and can be utilized to treat and correct a variety of aesthetic issues, such as:

  • Frown lines (vertical lines between the eyebrows)
  • Crow’s feet (fine lines around the eyes)
  • Creasing or drooping of the brow region
  • Sagging around the corners of the mouth
  • Marionette lines (vertical lines running downward from the corners of the mouth)
  • Facial scars
  • Gummy smile
  • Lower and upper lip creases
  • Excessive cleft chin or “peach pit” chin
  • Wrinkling on the chest (décolleté)
  • Horizontal and vertical neck creases
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
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BOTOX Procedural Details

BOTOX injections are simple, 20-minute treatments that will be performed in our office and do not require any post-treatment downtime. You will be able to see the visible results of your BOTOX procedure approximately 7 days after the initial treatment, and the skin-smoothing effects typically last 3-7 months (results can be extended with periodic maintenance injections). For patients seeking to maximize their facial rejuvenation results, BOTOX injections can easily be performed in conjunction with dermal facial fillers, such as Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and Sculptra.

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Why choose Muse Plastic Surgery?

At Muse Plastic Surgery, our focus is not on changing your core aesthetic components but instead using cosmetic procedures to help enhance your natural beauty so you can become the best version of yourself. Our plastic surgeons believe in the importance of having well-informed patients, and will take the time to explain all of your options. We invite you to schedule your consultation with Muse Plastic Surgery today.

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