Enjoy smooth, hair-free skin.

At Muse Plastic Surgery, our commitment to your beauty journey includes offering a hassle-free solution to unwanted hair. Led by respected surgeon Dr. Wright Jones, our expert team is here to provide you with individualized aesthetic treatments that align with your aspirations seamlessly. Our artful approach to cosmetics meets cutting-edge technology in our state-of-the-art facility, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience. Laser hair removal offers a non-surgical, safe, and long-lasting solution to unwanted hair, allowing you to revel in the freedom of beautifully smooth skin.

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What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure designed to reduce or eliminate unwanted body and facial hair permanently. This non-invasive treatment harnesses advanced laser technology to target and damage hair follicles, preventing future hair growth while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Laser hair removal allows you to release the repetitive shaving, waxing, or plucking cycle and enjoy long-lasting, smooth, and hair-free skin. The procedure is safe, effective, and tailored to meet your needs, providing the ultimate solution for those seeking a more convenient and permanent hair removal method.

Is laser hair removal right for me?

Laser hair removal is a versatile procedure appropriate for anyone looking to reduce or eliminate unwanted body and facial hair with lasting results. Advancements in technology have extended the effectiveness of this treatment, making it suitable for a broader range of skin tones and hair colors. Commitment to a series of treatment sessions is essential, as hair grows in different cycles. Additionally, candidates should be in good general health, free from skin conditions, and not take medications that may increase sensitivity to light. Scheduling a consultation with us at Muse Plastic Surgery is the first step on your journey to smooth, hair-free skin. We will assess your needs during your consultation and create a personalized treatment plan aligned with your skincare goals to ensure the best possible results.

Toss the Razor- Gentle and Effective Laser Hair Removal with Diolaze!

The benefits of the laser hair removal


Say goodbye to the repetitive cycle of shaving and waxing, saving both time and money.

Minimal discomfort

Most patients find the procedure well-tolerated, with only mild pain.

Permanent hair reduction

This treatment significantly reduces or eliminates unwanted hair, providing long-lasting results.


Laser technology targets hair follicles precisely while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed, ensuring safe and accurate treatment.

Smooth, hair-free skin

Enjoy the freedom of smooth and hair-free skin, enhancing your overall appearance and boosting self-confidence.


Laser hair removal is a quick and efficient procedure that treats multiple hair follicles simultaneously, which is especially beneficial for larger areas like the legs or back.

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Laser hair removal recovery

Following a laser hair removal procedure at Muse Plastic Surgery, minimal downtime allows you to resume your daily activities without significant interruption. Some patients may experience mild redness and a sensation similar to a mild sunburn in the treated areas, but this typically subsides within a few hours to a few days. Avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen on treated areas to protect your skin during healing is essential. While you may notice some hair shedding in the weeks following the treatment, it's important to remember that

laser hair removal requires multiple sessions to address hair in different growth phases. Results vary among individuals, but most notice a significant reduction in hair growth, with many enjoying long-lasting hair reduction. Future sessions may be recommended to maintain optimal results, and our team at Muse Plastic Surgery will guide you through the process, from consultation to post-procedure care, to ensure your continued satisfaction.

The laser hair removal procedure What to expect

Your Laser Hair Removal at Muse Plastic Surgery will typically begin with trimming the hair in the target area to an appropriate length. We provide protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the laser's light. A cooling gel may be applied to the skin's surface to enhance comfort and ensure the laser's effectiveness. The laser device emits precise light pulses absorbed by the melanin (pigment) that is present in the hair follicles. This energy is transformed into heat, causing damage to the follicles and hindering their ability to produce new hair. The procedure's duration varies depending on the size of the treatment area; smaller areas, such as the upper lip, may take only a few minutes, whereas more extensive areas, like the back or legs, can take up to an hour. 

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Why choose Muse Plastic Surgery?

Select Muse Plastic Surgery as your trusted partner for laser hair removal and free yourself from the headache of frequent shaving or waxing. Under the guidance of renowned surgeon Dr. Jones, we offer the trademarked Wright Touch™ – meaning we tailor treatment to your needs, providing results that are just right. With our advanced technology and peaceful setting, we deliver a safe experience to help you achieve the enduring results you desire. Don't let unwanted hair hold you back. Take the first step toward smooth, carefree skin by scheduling your consultation today.

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